Obrazac za prijavu na simpozij / Symposium Application
(*) obavezna polja / required field

    Spol / Gender (*)

    Pročitao sam i slažem se s uvjetima korištenja i odredbama web-stranice. (*)

    I have read and agree with the terms and conditions (*)

    Cijena je 1.000,00 kn po osobi (uključeno u cijenu radni materijal, pauza za kavu, ručak i časopis Porezno savjetništvo).

    The price is 1.000,00 kn per person (included in the price of work material, coffee break, lunch and magazine Tax Advisory).

    Uplate na broj transakcijskog računa HKPS / Payments to HKPS Transaction Account Number:

    HR75 2340 0091 1105 2947 2

    kod Privredne banke Zagreb, by Privredna banka Zagreb

    Podaci za fakturu / Billing Information (*)

    Zainteresirani smo za rano plaćanje / I am entitled to apply for a discount :

    10% popust namijenjen za članove HGK i sudionike koji se prijave i plate naknadu do 10.9.2019. / Early bird discount reserved for HGK members and participants sending in applications and paying fees before 10th September 2019.25% popust za članove CFE Tax Advisors Europe, nastavno osoblje sveučilišta i učilišta, sudionike edukacija za ispite poreznih savjetnika HKPS-a, te za drugog i svakog slijedećeg sudionika iste tvrtke ili institucije/ discount for CFE Tax Advisors Europe Members, for participants from education for examination in HKPS, Academics on faculty, 2nd and more participants from one company or institution50% popust za članove HKPS / discount for members of Croatian Chamber of Tax Advisors

    Popusti se međusobno isključuju. Discounts are mutually exclusive.